Expected mcqs of economics with answers

Most Expected mcqs of economics with answers for all competitive exams.
Q1:- when there is affect on economic activity of an specific country due to import and export, then such economy are called;-
  1. closed economy
  2. open economy
  3. Agricultural economy
  4. Industrial economy
  5. None of the above
Ans:- Open economy

Q2:- The world wide great depression happens in which year:-
  1. 1936
  2. 1928
  3. 1929
  4. 1930
Ans:- 1929

Q3:- Multinational firm is :-
  1. A company started by foreign government
  2. A single company established in different countries
  3. A company started jointly by India and U.S.
  4. None of the above
Ans:- A  single company established in different countries.

Q4:- Internal profit :-
  1. Happens when internal trade expands
  2. Happens when business expands
  3. Happens in firms when they expand their product.
  4. None of the above
Ans;- Happens  in firms when they expand their product.

Q5:- The best example of capital intensive industry in india :-
  1. Textile industry
  2. Tourism industry
  3. Steel  industry
  4. None of the above
Ans:- Steel industry

Q6:- The removal of prohibition and hindrance by government is called:-
  1. Globalization
  2. Privatization
  3. Liberalization
  4. None of the above 
Ans:- Liberalization

Q7:- In a economy “Development Stage”  means:-
  1. Starting of steadily increasing economy.
  2. Bad economy.
  3. Both 1&2
  4. None of the above
Ans:- Starting of steadily increasing economy.

Q8:- World Bank is also called as:-
  1. International Bank for Reconstruction and development.
  2. International rehabilation and development bank
  3. None of the above
Ans:- International Bank for Reconstruction and development.

Q9:- which among of the following is not a positive sign for any industry:-
  1. Decrease in profit
  2. Decrease in market
  3. Decrease in demand
  4. None of the above
Ans:- Decrease in profit

Q10:-  The capital of  IMF  is made up by the contribution of:-
  1. Credit
  2. Deficit financing
  3. Member Nations
  4. Borrowings
Ans:- Member Nations


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