Define :

ANTONYM :- A word which is opposite in meaning to the given word is called its Antonym.



Authentic   : Fictitious , Counterfeit , Unreal , False 

Astute        : Dull , Unintelligent , Shallow , Solid 

Alien          : Native , Citizen resident , Occupant


Antique      : Modern , Recent , Novelty , Vogue

Antipathy   : Admiration , Approval , Fascination , Devotion 

Amass        : Disperse , Dissipation  , Spend , Scatter

Adjacent    : Distant , Separate , Remoteness , Aloofness

Accomplish : Forsake , Deter , Disappoint , Collapse

Accumulation :Scattering , Dissipation , Separation , Division

Acrimony        :Sweetness , Courtesy , Humanity , Benevolence

Blemish          : Purity , Impeccable , spotless , stainless

Benevolence  : Malevolence , Inhumanity , Malignity , Unkindness

Barbarous      : Cultured , Humane , Refined , Gentle

Bewitching     : Repulsive , Repugnant , Nauseating , Disgusting

Contrary         : Similar , Alike , Homogeneous , Resembling

Contempt       : Regard , Approval , Praise , Recommend

consolidate    : Separate , Sever , weak , Scattering 

Consent          : Object , Disagree , Dissent , Differ

Conscious       : Unaware , Ignorant , Unfeeling , Faint 

Compassion    : Cruelty , Barbarity , Persecution , Apathy

Collision          : Agreement , harmony , Compatible , Union 
Cavity              : Elevation , Projection , Mound , Height 

Circumlocution :Terseness , Compression , Directness , Brevity

Commotion     : Tranquility , Stillness , Quietness , Calm

Delusion          : Reality , Certainty , veracity , Fact 


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