high calorie foods for weight gain


Building muscle mass, recovering after illnesses and overcoming the effects of appetite and nutrition disorders are amongst the reasons why some individuals may aim at increasing their body weight. In order to attain good health, high calorie snacks can be taken but with this, it is important that balanced diets which have other nutrient -rich foods are also consumed. This piece will tackle different kinds of high calorie snacks and their dietary contributions when they are incorporated in a well balanced diet.

High-Calorie Snacks for Effective Weight Gain

Appetite suppression because of fast metabolism rate, too much physical activity or certain health conditions make it difficult for some people to gain weight. The inclusion of high-calorie snacks in one’s meals daily can go a long way in helping an individual hit their target weight. It must be noted that there should be selection of snacks which are rich in calories and at the same time nutritious so as to ensure all-round wellness. This article examines multiple high-calorie snack options, their nutritional values and ways through which they can be included into a healthy diet.

Understanding Calories and Weight Gain

Calories refer to units of energy we get from food and drinks. If somebody wants to gain weight he or she must have more calories going in than the amount expended during daily activities or metabolic reactions. Thus extra calories cause accumulation of fats thus leading to one gaining weight hence its beneficial effects on those who want to develop muscles, heal from an illness or deal with situations where appetite is affected such as certain diseases.

Nutritional Considerations

Consuming more calories does not mean eating unhealthily rather; one needs nutrients like vitamins A-Zinc, proteins among others which are available in many healthy products like nuts. Generally speaking however consuming empty calories such as sugary snacks plus beverages might lead one gaining weight while compromising overall health status .Therefore selecting foods that offer both energy and essential nutrients is very important if sustainable weight gain is ever going to be achieved.

High-Calorie Snack Options

Image credits and souce:usman yousaf

1.Nuts and Nut Butters

Nuts and nut butters are rich in calories as well as healthy fats, fiber and proteins. They include almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashews among others as well as almond butter and peanut butter which also fall under this category of snacks. These can be consumed alone or spread on bread or used to dip fruits into them.

image source and credits : Anylane


It has more monounsaturated fats that other forms it exists including olive oil which makes it an excellent source of good fat. Moreover one medium-sized avocado has approximately 240 calories making the fruit highly calorie-dense. It can be mashed up and spread onto a toast, tossed into salads or serve as base for guacamole.

image credits and source:nastyasens


For instance one ounce of cheese will give about 100 calories besides providing protein plus fat in the body such types include cheddar/mozzarella/ swiss cheese eaten singly or together with whole grain crackers/nuts/fruits could make very nice snacks.

image credits and sources:polinka Tankilevitch

4.Dried Fruits

Concentrated sources of calorie content due to loss of much water while they were being dried raisins/ apricots/prunes/dates contain a lot of energy dense foods thus should be controlled when taken because the fruits also have high fiber/potassium/sodium/vitamin content too. Still caution must be observed when taking dried fruits since they contain high amount sugars that occur naturally.

image source and credits:Annelies Brouw 

5.Granola and Cereal Bars

They often contain oats along with nuts/seeds/dried fruits which are some common high-calorie snack options out there . Thus those bars need less sugar added to them accompanied by higher percentage of fibers so as to provide both nutrition plus energy over time for prolonged period during activities like carrying out exercises (Eshun & Heinz).

image souce and credits:Micheile OlivieStrauss

6.Spices up Yogurt

In order to increase its calorie content, it’s possible to put granola, nuts, seeds, honey or dried fruits over full-fat yogurt or Greek yogurt. A nutritious snack option is yogurt which also has protein and beneficial probiotics for gut health.

image source and credits: ROMAN ODINTSOV

7.Smoothies and Shakes

Ingredients such as fruits, yogurt, nut butters, protein powder and milk can be used in the preparation of smoothies and shakes to make them high calorific snacks. They can be made according to your taste and are a rich source of calories when taken in an easy digestible manner.

image souce and credits: Zak Chapman

8.Hummus accompanied by whole grain crackers

Hummus consists of chickpeas, olive oil as well as other plant sources of protein. Thus serving hummus with a piece of whole grain crackers or raw vegetables makes it a healthier option for snacking.

image source and credits : ALINA MATVEYCHEVA

9.Trail Mix

Trail mix comprises nuts; seeds usually; sometimes there are some chocolate or yogurt-covered pieces in the mix; such snacks are portable and balance fats out with proteins and carbohydrates making them perfect options for getting extra calories on the go.

image source and credits:Milan

10.Energy Balls

Energy balls are normally created from nuts, seeds, oats, dried fruits and a sweetening substance such as dates or honey; they are easy to make and can be stored for a quick snack with both calories and nutrients in a tight package.

Factors to Consider

Portion Control

While it is beneficial to have high-calorie snacks if you want to gain weight, one must also practice portion control in order not to exceed the calories intake levels since this may lead to an unhealthy weight gain and some health problems related with it.

Nutrient Density

In other words, snacks should be chosen based on their ability not only of providing calories but also necessary vitamins, minerals proteins and healthy fats that support good health in general.

Balanced Diet

To ensure proper nourishment all through include high calorie snacks into a balanced diet which consists of variety of foods among different food groups.

Personal Preferences and Allergies

Consider person preferences, dietary restrictions including allergies while selecting high calorie snacks so that they can be enjoyable hence safe for consumption.


High-calorie snacks like nuts nut butters yogurt dried fruits among others can help increase the intake of calories while promoting overall health and nutrition. It’s better to prioritize quality instead of quantity thus when necessary consult medical expert or nutritionist for personal advice on how to undertake sustainable approach towards gaining weight.

In summary, incorporating high-calorie snacks mindfully can help individuals achieve their weight gain goals effectively while maintaining nutritional balance and overall health.


The materials contained in this article are strictly meant for educational purposes only. They don’t substitute for professional medical advice nor diagnosis nor treatment. Prioritize consulting healthcare practitioner before decisions about your dietary needs as well as any issues relating your body’s condition.

In conclusion, incorporating high-calorie foods consciously will enable people achieve their aim of increasing weights without compromising on a healthy diet in general.

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