✅Define Resources. Classification of Resources/ conservation and it’s types 

✅ Resources and classification of Resources for class 10th Ncert

 ✅What is Conservation and it’s types?

✅Why it is necessary for us to manage our resources?

✅Class 10th Ncert Geography

Define Resources. Classification of Resources/ conservation and it's types

Resources can be defined as a source of supply held in  reserve, which is useful to man or can be transformed into more valuable and useful items for mankind . resources are two types natural resource and man made resources.

 Natural Resources:- natural resources can be defined as those living or nonliving substances available in the normal environment which are being exploited for supporting life and meeting human requirements.

Man made resources:– aur dusri sources which are manufactured or synthesized by man, example plastic fertilizers pesticides etc.

Classification of Natural Resources :

Due to their large variety and variable characteristics ,natural resources can be classified into two broad categories :-

( a)biotic resources  (b) abiotic resources

(A) Biotic Resources:- living beings and the substances  derived from them constitutes the biotic resources. Animals, forests, fish and the substance s derived from them such as Timber and coal are examples of biotic resources.

(B) Abiotic Resources:– natural non living things and their derivatives constitute the abiotic resources . Air,  water and light are its good examples.

On the basis of abundance and availability , natural sources are classified into two types :- 

(a) exhaustible resources (b) inexhaustible resources

a) Exhaustible Resources:- those resources which are not created regularly in the natural systems and are available in Limited quantity. They are not likely to be available after being used once . such resources are called exhaustible resources . These include minerals,  fossil fuels etc.

b) Inexhaustible Resources:- Those resources which are created in the natural systems continuously and they are likely to be available for all times to come. Such resources are called inexhaustible resources. These include air , clay, sand, tidal energy, solar energy, rain water etc.

Q:- Why it is  necessary for us to manage our resources?

Ans:- Natural Resources are not unlimited and with the continuous increase in human population, the demands for natural resource have been increased at a tremendous rate. Modern scientific technology has helped the man to extract these resources on much larger scale . Thus natural resources require a long term management so that these will last for generation to come and will not be merely exploited for short term gains.

The excessive use of natural Resources and disturbance in the natural balance has caused ecological crises . This crises has resulted in the environmental pollution which has threatened the life of man on earth . For example, mining causes pollution because of the large amount of slag which is discarded during extraction of metals. Thus there should be proper plan for the safe disposal of the wastes of natural resources in order to save the environment from the pollution.

What is Conservation? Types of Conservation

Q:- what is Conservation?

Ans:- Conservation may be defined as the judicious and controlled use of natural resources for the benefit of life on earth . It is an important precautionary measure that provides valuable contribution to the economic development in the society.

Types of Conservation:- 

There are two main types of Conservation:-

(a) In situ  conservation  (b) Ex situ conservation

(a) In situ :- When conservation of natural resources is done in their natural habitats, it is called  ” in situ ” conservation e.g national parks, wild life , sanctuaries , biosphere etc.

(b) Ex situ:- When conservation of natural resources is done outside their habitats, it is called “Ex situ” Conservation e.g botanical garden, zoos, pollen storage, tissue culture etc.

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