Centre Presented 112950 Crore Budget Presented For Jammu And Kashmir

Centre Presented 112950 Crore Budget Presented For Jammu And Kashmir by knowledgebee
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Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman revealed a 112950 crore budget for J&K Union Territory for 2022 and 2023 in Lok Sabah.

According to the news agency Kashmir News Observer (KNO), 71617 crores will be revenue expenditure and 41335 crores will be capital expenditure from the revealed amount of 112950 crores.

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As per budget documents, the estimate of budget for ongoing monetary us revised from 108621 crores to 102445 crores.

After the 5th of August 2019, it is the third budget of Jammu and Kashmir presented in the parliament. 

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