πŸ“ŒOne word substitution

πŸ“Œ 500 important one word substitution

πŸ“Œ Important one word substitution quiz for competitive exams

One word substitution  by knowledge bee

All bank, insurance, SSC, railway, and other government exams, such as SBI PO, SBI CLERK, LIC AAO, SSC CGL, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL, RRB JE, RRB ALP, and others, have an essential and high-scoring English language section. As a result, we present you with free online quizzes on a regular basis to help you prepare for your English exams. Questions on ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION are frequently asked in this section.As a result, it is important for all applicants to be aware of all important one-word substitutions.


1. A building where animals are butchered .                                         

Ans : Abattoir

2. The act of surrendering the throne or abdicating the throne.

Ans : Abdication

3. The branch of physics deals with the properties of sound 

Ans : Acoustics


4. Items of additional material added at the end of the book or other publication

Ans: Addendum

5. Urging or requesting (someone) solemnly or earnstly to do something.

Ans : Adjure

6. Indefinite and very long period of time.

Ans: Aeon

7. A set of principles relating with the nature and appreciation of beauty.

Ans : Aesthetic

8. One who doubts the existence of God.

Ans: Agnostic

9. Extreme physical or mental sufferings.

Ans : Agony

10. Japanese form of self defense and marital art that uses locks, holds , throws and the opponents own movements.

Ans: Aikido

11.A passage between rows of seats in a church, a theatre, an aeroplane, or a railway.

Ans : Aisle 

12. The medevial forerunners of chemistry.

Ans : Alchemy

13. A story, poem, or picture that can be decoded to disclose a secret meaning, usually moral or political.

Ans: Allegory

14. An annual calendar that includes key dates as well as statistical data like astronomical data and tide tables.

Ans : Almanac

15. Loud arguments and disagreements, especially in public.

Ans : Altercation

16.A person who does something for fun rather than as a profession.

Ans : Amateur

17 . A person who can easily utilise both hands

Ans : Ambidextrous

18.Open to multiple interpretation, not having one evident meaning.

Ans : Ambiguous

19.Having conflicting sentiments or opinions about something or someone.

Ans: Ambivalent

20. In particular, an impartial adviser to a court of law.

Ans: Amicus curiae 

21. Partial or total loss of memory

Ans : Amnesia

22. A cold-blooded vertebrate that is born in water and breathes through its gills.

Ans: Amphibian

23. A person who believes in or attempts to bring about a state of lawlessness.

Ans: Anarchist

24. A state of disorder caused by the absence or failure to recognise authority or other controlling system.

Ans: Anarchy

25.A person who hosts a radio or television programme.

Ans: Anchor

26.Someone who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something.

Ans: Antagonist.

27. A person who studies human evolution.

Ans: Anthropologist

28. A disappointing conclusion to a thrilling or outstanding sequence of events.

Ans: Anti – climax

29. Objects that are collectible, such as furniture or works of art, and have a high value due to their age and quality.

Ans: Antique

30. A place where bees are kept

Ans: Apiary

31.including a massive amount of destruction or damage

Ans : Apocalypse

32. The most advanced stage of something’s development; a climax or culmination.

Ans: Apogee

33.Moral fables, particularly those with animals as character.

Ans : Apologue.

34.A person who has changed their religious beliefs.

Ans: Apostate

35.Something that is connected to or added to something bigger or more significant.

Ans: Appendage.

36.A structure with tanks of live fish of various species.

Ans: Aquarium

37.A person chosen by both parties to resolve a dispute.

Ans : Arbitrator

38. Living in trees .

Ans : Arboreal

39.A large group of islands.

Ans : Archipelago

40.A group of historical documents or records that provide information about a location, institution, or people.

Ans: Archives.

41.A area or scene where there is a lot of activity, dispute, or conflict.

Ans : Arena

42 .The nobility holds authority under this kind of government.

Ans: Aristocracy

43. Fleet of warships.

Ans : Armada

44. Impressive display or range of a particular type of thing.

Ans: Array

45.Money that should have been paid sooner but wasn’t.

Ans: Arrear

46.A collection of military weapons and equipment.

Ans : Arsenal

47.A person who sets fire to a building on purpose.

Ans: Arsonist

48.A person who has received training to travel in a spacecraft.

Ans: Astronaut.

49. A facility for the treatment of mentally ill people.

Ans: Asylum.

50. One who lives a life of austerity.

Ans: Ascetic

51. Attacking on someone’s or something’s reputation and integrity.

Ans : Aspersion.

52.One who conducts an official audit of accounts.

Ans : Auditor

53. A country or region that governs itself.

Ans :Autonomy 

54. A large cage, building, or enclosure used to keep birds in.

Ans : Aviary

55. A statement or proposition that serves as the foundation for an abstractly defined structure.

Ans: Axiom.


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