The most prevalent errors in English are mistakes in word spelling. Even the most intelligent men are occasionally perplexed by the right spelling of certain words. A dictionary must be kept and used on a regular basis. Never pass up an opportunity to learn a new term.

This page contains a list of questions to test your spelling skills. Make an effort to solve as many as you can.

Directions :- Find the correct spelt word out of the four options in each question

1. Find correctly spelt word :- 

A) Kleptomonia 

B) Keleptemonia 

C) Kleptomania

D) None of the above

Ans:- Kleptomania

2. Find the correctly spelt word:- 

A) Lackdaisicle

B) Lackadaisical

C) Lackkadisical

D) None of the above

Ans:- Lackadaisical

3. Find the correctly spelt word:- 

A) Medicine

B) Meddicine 

C) Medicinee

D) None of the above

Ans:- Medicine

4. Find the correctly spelt word:- 

A) Meritrcious 

B) Merefrecious 

C) Meretricious 

D) None of the above

Ans:- Meretricious

5. Find the correctly spelt word:- 

A) Misunderstood

B) Miesuderstood 

C) Missunderstood 

D) None of the above

Ans:- Misunderstood

6. Find the correctly spelt word:- 

A) Occurad 

B) Occured 

C) Occurred

D) None of the above

Ans:- occurred

7. Find the correctly spelt word:- 

A) Ostentatious

B) osttentatious 

C) Ostententious 

D) None of the above

Ans:- Ostentatious

8. Find the correctly spelt word:-

A) Obnosious 

B) Obnoxious

C) Obnoseous

D) None of the above

Ans:- Obnoxious

9. Find the correctly spelt word:- 

A) Omenous 

B) Ominous

C) Omineous 

D) None of the above

Ans:- Ominous

10. Find the correctly spelt word:- 

A) Pacification

B) pecification

C) pecifacation 

D) None of the above

Ans:- Pacification

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