General knowledge questions answers/mcqs for all competitive exams
Q1:- Which country has highest coronavirus cases in the world?
- United States Of America
- China
- India
- France
Ans:- United states of America (USA)
Q2:- Which country has the highest population the world(2020)?
- China
- India
- None of the above
Ans:- China (1,44 crores)
Q3:- Which state has the highest coronavirus cases in india?
- J&K
- Shimla
- Maharashtra
- None of the above
Ans: Maharashtra
Q4:- What is the recovery time for the coronavirus disease?
- 3-4 weeks
- 2-6 weeks
- 7 weeks
- None of the above
Ans:- 2-6 weeks
Q5:- what is the largest cell in our human body?
- ovum
- neuron
- medulla
- None of the above
Ans:- ovum
Q6:- DVD stands for in computer –
- Digital Versatile Disc
- Data Versatile Disc
- Digital Versatile Data
- None of the above
Ans:- Digital versatile Disc
Q7:- Who is known as Iron Man of India-
- Sardar Vallabhai patel
- Jawahar lal Nehru
- Mahatma Ghandhi
- None of the above
Ans:- Sardar Vallabhai patel
Q8:- Study of map is called-
- Cartography
- Numismatics
- Pedology
- None of the above
Ans:- Cartography
Q9:- Volleyball team has how many players-
- six players
- Eight players
- Nine players
- None of the above
Ans;- six players
Q10:- What is the unit of pressure?
- Pascal
- Decibels
- Ohm
- None of the above
Ans:- Pascal
Q11:- Study of spider is called-
- Arachnology
- Herpetology
- Entomology
- None of the above
Ans:- Arachnology
Q12:- Normal blood pressure of human body is-
Ans:- Normal blood pressure is less than 120 over 80 (120/80).