✅Prepositions mcqs for competitive exams

✅ Select appropriate preposition from the given alternative

✅ Prepositions quiz for Banking exams

✅Most expected preposition for competitive exams

✅ Prepositions Quiz 

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prepositions MCqs/quiz for competitive exams 2021 pt 4

A proposition is a word that precedes a pronoun or noun and indicates how the noun or pronoun interacts with the rest of the sentence.

Directions:- Select the most appropriate preposition from the given alternative to fill in the blanks and make the sentence meaningfully complete.

 1. The air was heavy ________ aroma of peefumes.

A. With 

B. On 

C. Into 

D. From

Ans:- with 

2. She had a quick glance ______ the magazine.

A. At

B. From 

C. To

D. Into 

Ans:- at 

3. The climate of kashmir is favourable_______ me .

A. With 

B. In 

C. To 

D. At 

Ans :- to 

4. They hate you________ your poverty.

A. For

B. On

C. Of 

D. At 

Ans:- for 

5. He is eligible ________ this post.

A. For

B. To 

C. At 

D. With 

Ans:- for

6. The smoke was emerging ______ down the foot of the hill.

A. On

B. To

C. From 

D. At 

Ans:- from 

7. The criminal managed to escape ________ the prison.

A. Upon

B. From

C. Of 

D. At 

Ans:– from 

8. You should educate your friends ______ the benefits of living in villages.

A. On

B. Towards 

C. In 

D. Upon

Ans:– on 

9. She made a lot of efforts _______ win the match .

A. For

B. To

C. Upon

D. At 

Ans:- to

10. The new inspector will enquire _________ the murder case.

A. For 

B. On

C. Into 

D. At 

Ans:– into 

11. The retired soldiers were exempted _______ all taxes .

A. From

B. To 

C. On

D. At 

Ans:- from 

12. She was adept _______ journalism.

A. At 

B. On

C. In

D. With

Ans:- at 

13. She is afraid _______ snakes .

A. On 

B. To

C. With

D. Of

Ans:- of

14. I agree _________ your proposal.

A. For 

B. On

C. To

D. With

Ans:- to

15. The children were amuzed ______ so big python.

A. At 

B. On 

C. In

D. For

Ans:- at 

16. She is angry _______ you.

A. With 

B. For 

C. To 

D. At 

Ans:- at 

17. A big patch of land was allocated ______ the refugees.

A. To

B. For

C. At 

D. The 

Ans:- to 

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